Die Gemeinden Pommerns 1819-1945
The Communes of Pomerania 1819-1945
a continuation of an earlier publication „Die Gemeinden- und
Wohnplätze Pommerns“ 1974, this CD covers the time of 1819-1945 in
faksimile form. It includes the main regional topographical registers
published by official sites in this time frame. For the time 1920-1945
also included are those parts (counties) that have been incorporated
into Pomerania 1939 which before belonged to other administrative
units. The beginning year is that of the great "Kreis-Reform"
(restructuring of counties) in Pomerania as in Prussia as well. In the
initial publications also the relationships of individual placed and
grater parts to the counties in the 18th century is provided.
publications are based on the list for the "Regierungsbezirke" befor
1870, then for the province of Pomerania, and after 1933 there are only
publications in one book for the whole "Deutsches Reich". The latter
only include the communities, while those before also include the
smaller units called "Wohnplätze" belonging to a commune. Unfortunately, although originally intended, it was not possible to provide a common name register due to efford reasons.
is woth mentioning that in the 19th entury there exist for some
counties also special official lists, and also the „Landbuch von
Pommern“ by Berghaus which adds very useful information but
unfortunately is not published for all parts of pomerania.
of the biggest problems - due to differences in spelling of a place
names over time - is the instability of borders. Therefore in the
annex several (parts of) publications listing such changes have been
aded, and most valuable is the map of changes provided in „Grundriß der
deutschen Verwaltungsgeschichte.“ Also usually each publication on this
CD has a chapter about changes, mostly at the beginning.
to bad experience with former digital publications this CD is
personalised by a keyword for the main file to avoid unauthorized
copying. This does not hold for the separate register file. And in the
separate map ("Karten") file also the snapshot tool of the Acrobat
Reader is available after entering the keyword. These latter two are
also included in the main file, but they have better copying
possibilities, and sometimes it proves useful to open them in parallel
windows. It also is useful to open the .pdf files directly instead in a
I have to give credits for support to being able to publish this CD to Martin-Opitz-Bibliothek in Herne (http://www.martin-opitz-bibliothek.de), Herder-Institut in Marburg (http://www.herder-institut.de), University library of Greifswald (http://www.ub.uni-greifswald.de/), Stolper Heimatstube in Bonn (cf. at http://www.stolp.de/), and also Georg Nitzke, Uwe Kerntopf, Harry Meißner, Uwe Thiel and others.
July 2006 Klaus-Dieter Kreplin
Overview (Details / Pictures here)
Teil A. Gemeindeverzeichnisse |
J.Druck |
J.Stand |
Was |
Titel |
Format |
1819 |
1818 |
RB Köslin |
Ortschafts-Verzeichniß |
4° |
[1819] |
1817 |
RB Stettin |
Ortschafts-Verzeichniß |
4° |
1817 |
1815 |
RB Stralsund |
Staats-Kalender für Neu-Vor-Pommern und Rügen : auf das Jahr ... |
8° |
1827 |
1822/25 |
Pommern |
F. v. Restorff: Topographische Beschreibung der Provinz Pommern |
8° |
1834 |
[1828] |
RB Köslin |
König, Gottfried: Alphabetisches Verzeichniss Bd. 10 Prov.Pommern H. 23 |
4° |
1834 |
[1828] |
RB Stettin |
König, Gottfried: Alphabetisches Verzeichniss Bd. 10 Prov.Pommern H. 24 |
4° |
1834 |
[1828] |
RB Stralsund |
König, Gottfried: Alphabetisches Verzeichniss Bd. 10 Prov.Pommern H. 25 |
4° |
1842 |
1840 |
RB Stettin |
Topographisch-statistische Uebersicht |
4° |
1846 |
1845 |
RB Köslin |
Topographisch-statistische Uebersicht |
4° |
1846 |
1843 |
RB Stralsund |
Provinzial-Kalender für Neu-Vorpommern und das Fürstenthum Rügen auf das Gemein-Jahr … |
8°/2*8° |
1859 |
RB Stralsund |
Grasso. Topographisch-statistisches Handbuch von Neu-Vorpommern und der Insel Rügen. |
4° |
1874 |
1871 |
Pommern |
Die Gemeinden und Gutsbezirke des Preussischen Staates ...III |
A4/2*A4 |
1888 |
1885 |
Pommern |
Gemeindelexikon für das Königreich Preußen. Heft IV |
A4/2*A4 |
1898 |
1895 |
Pommern |
Gemeindelexikon für das Königreich Preußen. Heft IV |
A4/2*A4 |
1908 |
1905 |
Pommern |
Gemeindelexikon für das Königreich Preußen. Heft IV |
A4/2*A4 |
1932 |
1925 |
Pommern |
Gemeindelexikon für den Freistaat Preußen. Band IV |
Fol |
1930 |
1925 |
Grenzmark P-W |
Gemeindelexikon für den Freistaat Preußen. Band V |
Fol |
1930 |
1925 |
Brandenburg FfO |
Gemeindelexikon für den Freistaat Preußen. Band III [Kr. Arnswalde u. Friedeberg] |
Fol |
1937 |
1933 |
Pommern etc. |
Amtliches Gemeindeverzeichnis für das Deutsche Reich (Statistik des Deutschen Reiches Band 450) [Pommern, Grenzmark Posen-Westpreußen, Brandenburg RB FfO] |
A4 |
1941 |
1939 |
Pommern |
Amtliches Gemeindeverzeichnis für des Deutsche Reich (Statistik des Deutschen Reiches Band 550); Karten [Pommern] |
A4 |
Teil B. Ergänzungen |
J.Druck |
J.Stand |
Was |
Titel |
1822/23 |
1811-21 |
Pommern |
Engelhardt: Über die neuesten Special-Karten Pommerns. Pomm.Provinzial-Bll. Vierter Band 1822; Fünfter Band 1823. Darin: IV S.275-286, S. 506-518, V S. 119-131 |
8° |
1876/78 |
1875-78 |
Pommern |
Grenzänderungen (Petermann) |
Fol |
1975 |
1815-1945 |
Pommern |
Grundriß dt. Verwaltungsgeschichte, R.A, Bd.3; Karten [Grenzänderungen] |
A5 |
1975 |
1815-1945 |
Grenzmark P-W |
Grundriß dt. Verwaltungsgeschichte, R.A, Bd.2 [Grenzänderungen] |
A5 |
1975 |
1815-1945 |
Brandenburg FfO |
Grundriß dt. Verwaltungsgeschichte, R.A, Bd.5 [RB Frankfurt/Oder] [Grenzänderungen] |
A5 |
1994 |
1920-1945 |
Pommern |
Die Gemeinden- und Wohnplätze Pommerns Tl.A. Grenz- und Namensänderungen (Kreplin) |
A5 |
Karten |
1836 |
Pommern |
Deutscher Pfennigatlas Nr. LI |
A5 |
1880 |
Pommern |
Kreiskarte Pommern (Müller) |
2*A5 |
1939 |
Pommern |
Provinz Pommern (Niekammer) |
4° |
Dabei bedeuten:
4° Quart
8° Oktav
Fol Folio
2*.. Doppelseite
Namen-Hinweis (nur symbolisch):
Neu Dargsow = Neu Dargsow = Dargsow, Neu
Groß Born = Gr.Born = Grossborn = Born, Groß